In 754 after Christ the monk Bonifatius was killed at Dokkum, according to historical sources by ‘barbarian’ warriors. Is he really murdered by a bunch of bloodthirsty savages or is that just the Christian version of the history? That’s the story of Redbad. The violent religious battle that took place at that period plays a prominent role in the film.
Redbad, son of King Aldigsl,is doubting the outdated rituals of his people. He comes into conflict with his father when his girlfriend Fenne is appointed to be sacrificed to the gods. During the sacrificial ritual, the Franks enter the city.
The Frisii (also known as the "free people”) lose Dorestad. Redbads Uncle Eibert seizes the power and gives Redbad the blame of the defeat and death of his father.
Tied to a raft, Redbad is pushed into the sea to die. But Redbad survives and drifts ashore, the Vikings discover him.
In Denmark Redbad learns the power of his own culture. He is slowly taken into the clan of the vikings. He joined the Vikings after fighting against a rival clan of Svaers, he marries king’s Wiglek daughter. They then return to Dorestad, he discovers that his sister is married to the son of the Frankish king Pepijn van Herstal. During the yearly market he sees how priest Willibrord repents his sister by using violence and swears to liberate her. He cannot do this alone, but with the army of his uncle and cousin, but even then it does not seem strong enough to beat the franks.
Genre: historical saga/action/thriller
Producer: Farmhouse Film
Director: Roel Reiné
Screenplay: Alex van Galen